In August 2024, I decided that I would completely change the focus of my corporate work.

A brand new partnership and corporate offer was born.

We are breaking the rules and started a revolution.

  • We don't send thousands of cold spammy emails and DM's.

  • We don't wait, providing weeks of "nurture" before asking for the meeting

  • We don't spend our lives glued to LinkedIn, posting 24/7

We completely redefined what it looks like to put our corporate offer in front of decision-makers

We decided that this offer will sell immediately - not after waiting 6-18 months and we already are being asked for proposals for our $60k+ offers.

Booking sales meeting and being asked for proposals is a weekly occurrence now

This is not hustle.
This feels like the lightest and most fun way to explode our consulting business.
This is client magnetism.

Client magnetism isn't the 12343 qualifications you put after your name, the incredible methodology you developed or the decades of experience you can point to.

Magnetism is actually the potency of what you do in the micro-moments of your ideal client attraction activities.

The best part of the way we have normalized turning every one of our moves into high-value meetings?

We are getting noticed everywhere (hello to being asked to speak in front of 200 leaders & building a powerful ideal client audience)

When you know how to show up from the energy of client magnetism combined with the simple but powerful strategies that turn casual conversations into meeting slots in your calendar, every action you take will attract ideal corporate client.

You're a successful expert, ready to book more high-value sales meetings with dream corporates - without chasing contacts, endless meetings or sending 12434 follow up emails.
Inside Meeting Magnet I am breaking down the exact ideal client attraction formats we use to create 1-4 meetings with corporate leader who then ask us to submit proposals (and more than 60% of our proposals convert).


  • How I turned 50% of my connections into sales meetings and learn how you can use these key strategies to create your own breakthrough.
  • My Weekly Meetings Generating Curiosity & Conversion Techniques: Spark the curiosity that pulls clients in, turning casual chats into secured meetings.

  • Design Your Initial Interaction for Desire: How to make them want to know more (and book that meeting faster than you can say *calendar*

PS: If you do not have your current offer fully nailed down, ask me about the value bundle of the Corporate Conversion System and Corporate Offers that sell, the program bundle that is as perfect as peanut butter & jelly!

Meet Miriam

And since 2012 I have been running my 6-figure corporate consulting practice - part-time to fit around my family.

Part of what makes me successful in selling multi-5 and 6-figure services to my clients is the fact that as a senior corporate decision-maker and former CFO I have a deep understanding of corporate buying behaviour and psychology.

Since 2021, I have shared my skills and insights with passionate experts in the online space to teach, guide and mentor them to win corporate clients for their own businesses.

This has led to results such as:

  • Turning a $5k offer into a $15k per quarter long-term engagement
  • Securing a $180k per annum contract for 2 days coaching per month
  • A client winning her first corporate client within 2 weeks from a simple conversation and doubling her ROI on her investment in working with me

And many more...


This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. In fact, it's the very opposite - getting results requires hard work, dedication, skill, experience and a dose of luck. I am sharing my experience with you so you can learn from it but it's in no way a a guarantee that you will get the same or similar results. I'll give you the tools but you will have to use them! Nothing on this site shall give you the impression it's a promise or guarantee of future earnings!

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